Mersiyanova, I. V. Yakobson L.I. Philanthropy in Russia: Public Attitudes and Participation

Текст статьи

       Мерсиянова И.В., Якобсон Л.И.
Mersiyanova, I. V. Yakobson L.I. Philanthropy in Russia: Public Attitudes and Participation

Экономические отношения

This book presents the results of public opinion surveys on participation in charitable activity in Russia. This includes volunteerism and donations, as well as surveys on attitudes towards issues related to interaction between the State and charity providers. These surveys were conducted by the Center for Civil Society Studies and the Non-profit Sector (State University — Higher School of Economics) within the framework of monitoring the status of civil society in Russia.

The data provided characterizes the environment for the development of charitable activity in Russia, the level of the Russian people’s participation in volunteer work and charitable donations, assessments of the interaction between the State and charitable organizations, and between Russian and foreign charitable organizations.

This book will be of use to social and political scientists, economists, teachers and students of the social sciences, experts, and anyone interested in the status of charitable activity and civil society development in the Russian Federation.

Оригинал публикации взят с сайта Национального исследовательского университета Высшая школа экономики


Ключевые слова: благотворительность | филантропическая деятельность | волонтерство |


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